
Galerie is a labor of love meticulously crafted by people who believe in the power of cinema to bring us together. Whether you’re a seasoned film enthusiast or just discovering your love for the art form, Galerie welcomes you.

Human connection is what binds the many parts of the global cinema community together and what sparked our mission to create a space rooted in personal perspectives and shared experiences. Here we combine curated film collections, thoughtful essays, and live screenings and discussions into a single destination.

Great cinema is all around us, but in this ever-changing landscape it can be difficult to find when navigating algorithms. We envisioned Galerie as an oasis inhabited by people who value substance over abundance, where curiosity can thrive and meaningful conversation is given the space to grow.

Within Galerie, our rotating selection of curators will be your guide as you expand and deepen your journey through film alongside a vibrant community where everyone is invited to exchange ideas and expand their knowledge.

And just like any great film is produced by a team of passionate artists and technicians, so too is Galerie, which is created by Indian Paintbrush and shaped by a wide range of filmmakers, thought leaders, and innovators.

We proudly invite you to experience Galerie for yourself and join us on this exploration through the world of film. This was built for you.